
The first hundred soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces underwent training in the operation of HIMARS missile systems

MLRS HIMARS in the Armed Forces will soon increase.

a hundred soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received training in the operation of HIMARS missile systems” />

More than 100 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already received training in the use of HIMARS missile systems. This was announced by a senior Pentagon official at a closed briefing, LIGA reports. News with reference to a tweet by Foreign Policy journalist Jack Detcha.

According to the official, Ukraine received eight HIMARS systems from the US, four more are on the way. Great Britain and Germany have also provided MLRS systems.

Read also: the US plans to provide Ukraine with further military assistance, including new HIMARS

M142 HIMARS is an American multi-purpose missile launcher capable of firing a volley of six missiles or a single operational-tactical missile. Ukraine was supplied with GMLRS projectiles with a flight range of up to 70 km, which is twice the range of the 155-mm howitzer M777. ATACMS missiles, with which HIMARS are capable of firing at a distance of 300+ km, Washington refuses to deliver due to fears that they will hit targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.


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Source: ZN

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