
The first indictment against the Russian general was sent to the court – the Office of the Prosecutor General

General of the Russian Federation was directly involved in the preparation and organization of the invasion of Ukraine.

 The first indictment against the Russian general was sent to the court - the Prosecutor General's Office

The first indictment against the Russian general for complicity in the aggressive war against Ukraine was sent to court, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

“Under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been completed in criminal proceedings on suspicion of the commander of the 22nd Army Corps of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy in the planning, preparation, resolution and conduct of aggressive war. integrity and inviolability of Ukraine (Part 2 of Article 437 and Part 3 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), “the statement reads.

It is noted that according to the pre-trial investigation, a senior Russian army official together with other representatives of the Russian military and political leadership in February 2022 was directly involved in preparing and organizing the invasion of Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea.

In 2022, the Russian general, while in the city of Dzhankoy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, personally gave orders to the personnel of subordinate armed units to invade Ukraine. And later he organized and controlled the conduct of hostilities in the southern regions of Ukraine.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, Major General of the occupier's army used typical Kremlin narratives about the alleged need to protect Russian-speaking residents to justify illegal aggression and motivate subordinates.

“, – the message reads.

Read also: Invaders in telephone conversations flaunt atrocities against peaceful Ukrainians – SBU audio interception

Ukraine opposes Russian invaders, who from day one commit war crimes in our country . The Coalition for Documenting War Crimes Ukraine.5am explained what are the opportunities to bring the top leadership of the Russian Federation to justice .

Do we expect to quickly punish those guilty of aggression and serious crimes? But how can each of us speed up this process? Read Gunduz Mammadov's article “ Coalition of Justice: Will Ukraine bring war criminals to justice?” In ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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