
The GUR said whether there is currently a threat of a ground operation from the side of Belarus

The Ukrainian authorities are working out different scenarios.

=”The GUR said whether there is currently a threat of a ground operation from Belarus” />

Despite the fact that Minsk is already in one way or another participating in the war against Ukraine, currently the threat of a ground operation not from Belarus. Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, stated this.

He added that the Ukrainian authorities are working out various scenarios, including an invasion by Belarus.

At the same time, the intelligence representative emphasized that Belarus is already participating in the war against Ukraine, providing its airfields for airstrikes on Ukrainian settlements. and also repairing damaged military equipment of the Russian Federation.

In addition, according to him, Minsk is recruiting Belarusians to participate in direct hostilities against Ukraine.

Read also: The General Staff warns of the threat of airstrikes: the transfer of air defense equipment of the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus was recorded

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Source: ZN

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