
The Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania on Zelenskyi's visit to Washington: “The President of Ukraine made it clear that Kyiv needs more military support”

Gabrielus Landsbergis called Volodymyr Zelenskyi's decision to visit Washington as symbolic.

Ukraine made it clear that Kyiv needs more military support”” alt=”Head of the Foreign Ministry of Lithuania on Zelenskyi's visit to Washington: “The President of Ukraine made it clear that Kyiv needs more military support”” />

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Gabrielus Landsbergis said that during his visit to the USA, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a clear signal to the leaders of the West and Europe – Ukraine can win the war started by Russia only with greater military support. Landsbergis made such a statement in the Seimas while talking to journalists, Delfi reports.

“I would like to point out that, however, in speech and public communication, the emphasis was on weapons. This was done by carefully considering the main message. And today the main reference is to win the war, and the war cannot be won without weapons,” said Landsbergis.

He noted that Zelensky's choice to go to Washington is symbolic. Thus, according to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, he clearly showed where Kyiv receives the most support from.

Read also: There are no representatives of the military department in Washington as part of the delegation accompanying Zelenskyi

During a quick visit to the USA, Volodymyr Zelensky managed to emotionally “conquer” America, to transform his image: from a character in the first impeachment trial of Donald Trump to a charismatic, brave military leader of the people who heroically defends his freedom.

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Source: ZN

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