
The Israeli minister called for erasing the Palestinian settlement from the face of the earth: Netanyahu was under pressure from the US

Despite the established idea of ​​the American-Israeli alliance, Washington is putting pressure on Israel, and protest sentiments are growing in the country.

came under US pressure” alt=”Israeli minister called to erase Palestinian settlement from the face of the earth: Netanyahu came under US pressure” /> © Israel Defense Forces

The United States, which is considered Israel's closest ally in the Middle East, has demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abandon the finance minister's tough call to “wipe a Palestinian village off the face of the earth”, writes Reuters.

Even more. video footage of police using tasers and a fight with Israeli protesters on a main road during a nationwide “day of unrest” over the government's plans to reform the judiciary were pressed on the Israeli leader.

Minister Betzalel Smotrich made the remarks at a conference on Wednesday amid a wave of deadly Palestinian attacks in the occupied West Bank. But the aggression comes from both sides – in a clash Israeli military recently killed two Palestinians.

In response to a question about the riot of settlers in the Palestinian village of Huwara, which on Tuesday the Israeli general called a “pogrom” , Smotrich said: “I think that Khuvara should be wiped off the face of the earth.”

Smotrich added: “I believe that the state of Israel should do this, but God forbid, not individual people.” ” and “disgusting,” telling reporters, “We call on Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials to publicly and clearly reject these comments and deny them.”

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Palestinian leaders welcomed the State Department's response.

Washington's extremely direct response underscored growing international concern about escalating violence in the West Bank, where three Israelis and a Palestinian were killed during two days of bloodshed earlier in the week.

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Violence was still ongoing on Wednesday. Israeli forces killed one Palestinian and arrested six in the West Bank.

Source: ZN

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