
The Kremlin reacted to the delivery of British tanks to Ukraine: they will burn like all the others

Putin believes that Poland and Great Britain are prolonging the war by supplying weapons.

The Kremlin reacted to the supply of British tanks to Ukraine: they will burn like all the others

The press secretary of the head of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that the tanks that Great Britain plans to send to Ukraine will “burn”, warning the West that supplying Ukraine with a new batch of more sophisticated weapons will not change the outcome of the war, Reuters reports.

“They are using this country [Ukraine] as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian goals.” , – said Peskov, answering a question about British tanks.

“These tanks will burn and burn like all the others,” – said Peskov.

He noted that new supplies from countries such as Great Britain and Poland will not change the situation on the ground, but will be an attempt to prolong the war, which, according to him, will ultimately bring “more trouble” to Ukraine.

Putin said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that the so-called military operation in Ukraine had gained positive momentum and that he hoped his soldiers would win more victories.

Also read: Tanks and self-propelled guns: Britain announced “the most significant” package of military aid to Ukraine

The head of the Kremlin now calls the war in Ukraine an existential battle with an aggressive and arrogant West and said that Russia will use all available means to protect itself and its people from any enemy.

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Earlier it was reported that that Putin is preparing to mobilize up to half a million people for a new large-scale offensive in the spring.

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Source: ZN

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