
The late Yuriy Shatunov was going to fight against Ukraine in Donbas

After 2014, the star of “Tender May” refused to perform in front of Ukrainians.

was going to fight against Ukraine in Donbas” />

Leader and soloist of the Soviet group “Laskovy May” Yuriy Shatunov, who died on June 23, after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, planned to sign up as a “volunteer” for Dobnass and fight against Ukraine. The director of the musician, Arkady Kudryashov, said this, according to rosZMI.

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“Yura said: 'Arkadia, let's go and enroll as volunteers,'” he said. According to Kudryashov, he even asked Shatunov if he had gone mad. “This is his reaction, this is the first reaction, the very first, he says: 'Let's go to Donbas,'” added Shatunov's director.

As noted by “Facts”, Ukrainian publicist Hanna Salata said that since 2014 year, the musician refused to perform in front of Ukrainians. A concert organizer who worked with Shatunov told her about this on condition of anonymity.

“Starting from 2014, every time he was called with a request for a private performance in Europe, after learning that the customers were from Ukraine, he invariably cursed. And he said that he is not going to sing in front of people who do not respect great Russia. Here's Yura,” the organizer said.

It is interesting that in public, unlike other Russian pop stars, Shatunov did not comment on Russia's war against Ukraine.

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Source: ZN

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