
The Lavra concluded an agreement with the OCU to hold the Epiphany service

This is a one-time lease of the temple.

=”Lavra signed an agreement with the OCU to hold the Epiphany service ” />

After accusations from the UOC MP reserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” concluded an agreement with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which is confirmed by Metropolitan Epiphany tomorrow Christmas service in Assumption Cathedral. This was reported by BBC News Ukraine with reference to Acting general director of the reserve Oleksandr Rudnyk.

“That video conversation (which was distributed by the UOC MP together with the statement that the OCU does not have permission to hold worship services in the Lavra – ed.) took place yesterday (January 5 – ed.) in the early hours of the afternoon. At that time, there was no order about the worship service , he explained. But in the afternoon, I received a request from the OCU to hold a religious service and to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Culture. I granted permission and signed an agreement to hold a religious service on January 7. All documents now yes, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukraine published outdated information in the evening.”

Rudnyk emphasized that it is a one-time lease of the temple. The service will be held on January 7 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Law enforcement officers will monitor law enforcement.

Meanwhile, the UP publication published a photo of the same contract between Lavra and OCU.

Ukrainian Pravda

Read also: OCU claims to use the temples of the Upper part of the Lavra — Epiphany

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Source: ZN

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