
The leadership of the Russian Federation ordered to destroy evidence of crimes of the army in Ukraine – GUR of the Ministry of Defense

The occupiers are trying to identify and destroy all potential witnesses to the atrocities.

The leadership of the Russian Federation ordered to destroy evidence of crimes of its army in Ukraine - GUR of the Ministry of Defense

The Russian authorities ordered to destroy evidence of crimes of its occupying army in Ukraine . In addition, the occupiers are using mobile crematoria to destroy the bodies of Russian servicemen to hide the real number of victims among their soldiers, according to the GUR of the Ministry of Defense.

“After the widespread international genocide of the Ukrainian people in Bucha, Kyiv region, Russian troops began using mobile crematoria in Ukraine. In particular, 13 mobile crematoria were registered in Mariupol to clean the streets of the bodies of dead civilians. The occupiers are trying to identify all potential witnesses to the atrocities through filtration camps and destroy them, “the statement said.

It is noted that the Ukrainian military intelligence has repeatedly recorded the use of mobile crematoria in the Chernihiv region. The mobile crematorium of the occupiers has also been recorded in Novoaydar, Luhansk Oblast.

refusals to pay to the families of the dead Russians, “- said the intelligence.

The Defense Ministry reminded that the actions of the Russian army fall under the definition of “genocide” in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

war crimes in Ukraine “, – intelligence notes.

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Source: ZN

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