
The lists of those killed in the colony in Olenivka have been partially confirmed – Zhorin

There is no exact list yet.

in the colony in Olenivka partially confirmed – Zhorin” />

Former commander of the “Azov” regiment Maksym Zhorin commented on the published lists of Ukrainian prisoners of war killed as a result of the Russian terrorist attack in Olenivka.

In an interview He informed Suspilno that the identities of some of those who died during the explosion in the colony of occupied Olenivka, Donetsk region, have been established.

“There are partial lists that have been made public, at the moment, they are partially confirmed. But we can also say with confidence that they are not complete,” Zhorin said.

He emphasized that there is currently no complete list of dead and wounded Ukrainian defenders who left Azovstal.


“It is extremely difficult for relatives and friends who are waiting to return home. Which are just now in such limbo. But Russia does not provide any official lists,” he emphasized.

Maxim Zhorin also confirmed the information that part of the military was transferred to the building in which the explosion occurred the day before.

“We know for sure from the evidence from Olenivka itself that everyone who was in this room was transferred there the day before, that is, specifically for this purpose. Most likely, this room was blown up by means prepared in advance. It wasn't an “arrival” for sure. Now, even on aerial photographs, it is very clear that there are no traces of “arrivals” on the territory. From the appearance of the destruction of the premises, it is clear that it was blown up from the inside,” he emphasized.

Read also: Captive “Azovians” may lose combatant immunity – Mamedov

The former commander of “Azov” is sure that the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross, as guarantors of the health and lives of the soldiers who left “Azovstal” and who were later detained in Olenivka, should understand the circumstances of the tragedy as soon as possible: seek and demand from Russia to enter to the scene of the crime, to get the opportunity to talk with witnesses who were in this room and who survived.

Read also: Zelenskyi discussed the release of Ukrainian prisoners with Stoltenberg and Rau

Earlier in the GUR stated, that Ukraine cannot currently confirm the veracity of the lists of defenders of our state made public by the Russian invaders who were killed or wounded as a result of an explosion in a colony on the territory of temporarily occupied Olenivka.

As reported, the Russian Federation does not allow the Red Cross to the scene of the tragedy in Olenivka.

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The information that before the attack on Olenivka, the prisoners were grouped and moved to a remote industrial zone was also confirmed by the former prisoner of the Olenivka colony, Ukrainian volunteer Hanna Vorosheva, who spent 100 days there p>

Source: ZN

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