
“The little green man” Franchetti claims that he was able to leave for the occupied Crimea

Alexander Franchetti was detained in the Czech Republic several years ago at the request of Ukraine.

"The little green man" Franchetti claims that he was able to leave for the occupied Crimea

“The Little Green Man” Alexander Franchetti claims,that he managed to return from the Czech Republic to the occupied Crimea, writes “Krym.Realii” with reference to the pro-Russian mass media. Ukraine sought his extradition from the Czech Republic due to the fact that Franchetti contributed to the seizure of Crimea in 2014.

It is stated that Franchetti himself told one of the pro-Russian publications that he and his lawyer were able to mislead the Czech court. The latter released him from custody on October 20, 2022.

“We prepared documents that proved that I was not physically here (in Crimea during the annexation),” Franchetti said and noted that “the (Czech) prosecutor did not manage to find any evidence (of the guilt of the 'little green man').” At the same time, Franchetti called the Czech prosecutor “a frank Russophobe”.

According to the criminal, he left the European Union through Austria and Hungary, where he was “warmly received”. After that, he ended up in Serbia, from where he flew to Sochi on October 28.

Read also: The “little green man” was detained at the airport in the Czech Republic

Recall that Franchetti came to Sevastopol in the spring of 2014. Joined the “Defense of Sevastopol” formation. Soon Franchetti organized the “Northern Wind” intelligence group, which was engaged in terrorizing pro-Ukrainian residents of the city. Franchetti received the medal “For the return of Crimea”, which is awarded in the Russian Federation to the participants of the operation to occupy the peninsula. But he did not stay in Crimea, having returned to the Czech Republic.

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On September 12, 2021, Russian national Oleksandr Franchetti was detained at the Prague airport on the basis of an international warrant issued by Ukraine. The next day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced that they were working on Franchetti's extradition. In February 2022, it became known that the Czech Republic will extradite the “little green man”.

Source: ZN

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