
The majority of Russians are ready to support the army only morally – survey

Citizens of the Russian Federation are beginning to have doubts about the ability of the Russian army to win in Ukraine. No one wants to support those who lost.

to support the army only morally – survey” />

The war launched by Russia against Ukraine no longer enjoys the former support among citizens. More than half of Russians are not ready to donate a single penny to the army, according to a survey by the “Chronicles” project. 63.4% of Russians are ready to give kukish”, – writes the founder of the project, opposition politician Olexii Minyailo.

The war and the sanctions imposed against the aggressor force 56.5% of surveyed Russians to save on products due to rising prices. Family income decreased by 39.1%. 11.8% lost their jobs.

In 1.5 months, the number of Russians who support the “military operation” has decreased by nine percent: from 64% to 55%. This is the lowest figure since the beginning of the full-scale war. In other words, every seventh respondent was disappointed with the correctness of the “special operation”. According to pro-government sociologists, 57% support Russia's war in Ukraine.

“Why is support for the war decreasing? Obviously, the fact is that the “special operation” is dragging on. Russians believe that the longer the war goes on, the less chance the Russian Federation has of winning,” Minyailo writes.

In addition, compared to May, the number of Russians who receive information through TV, radio or newspapers has decreased. It is noteworthy that 9% support the war. According to the Central Committee of the Russian Federation, 68% of TV viewers support the war (22% against), and 35% of Internet users support the war (47% against).

More than half of Russians (55%) are sure that victory in the war will not bring them any benefits, another 28.5% are convinced that victory will bring peace, moral satisfaction, security and lifting of sanctions. Another 3.3% expect pride, annexation of territories, strengthening of the position of the Russian Federation and victory over the “Nazis”.

Read also: Putin has become the most unpopular politician in the world – survey

The survey was conducted from 29 from June to July 5 by telephone interview throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The final sample is 1,823 respondents, weighted by gender, age and type of settlement.

One of the pillars of Russian propaganda is the Great Patriotic War. This cult of war replaces the religion that unites all denominations. To support it, the Kremlin romanticized the Second World War for years. However, now Moscow has begun to cultivate a new war, which should become something that unites a new generation. Read more in Volodymyr Kim's article “Gospel from Putin. How Russia is creating a new “patriotic war”” in ZN.UA.

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Source: ZN

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