
The manufacturer Vici brought seafood poisoned with cadmium to Ukraine

Vici producer brought seafood poisoned with cadmium to Ukraine

In Chinese seafood delivered to Ukraine by the Lithuanian company “Viciunaj group”, a high concentration of cadmium, dangerous to health, was found. This was announced by the Main Department of the State Production and Consumer Service in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

It turned out that the Lithuanian producer delivered 22 tons of seafood from China to Lithuania, of which almost eight tons were sent to Ukraine, and some were detained in Lithuania. Representatives of the State Food Veterinary Service of Lithuania informed their Ukrainian colleagues about the danger and called for the withdrawal of Vicunai products from circulation. Ukrainian consumers who managed to purchase dangerous products are also asked to refrain from consumption and report to the relevant authorities.

This is not the first scandal that the Lithuanian company has been involved in in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, Viciunaj group has been accused of refusing to leave the Russian market, despite the numerous promises of the owner, the mayor of the Lithuanian city of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijoshaitis. This attitude towards Ukraine on the part of the owner of Viciunaj allowed some media to assume that the company deliberately brought illiquid goods to Ukraine, considering the country to be “second-rate”. products of brands cooperating with Russia. Activists marked Vicunay products, in particular, Vici crab sticks popular in Ukraine, with stickers with the appeal “Do not sponsor war in Ukraine!”.

Source: ZN

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