
The mayor of Balaklia and his family left for Russia – Sinegubov

Criminal proceedings have been instituted against Ivan Stolbov for treason.

Chairman of the Kharkiv OVA Oleg Sinegubov said that the mayor of Balaklia Ivan Stolbov left with his family for Russia.

“According to our information, the mayor of Balaklia and his family left the city and went to Russia,” Sinegubov said. interview with ICTV Facts.

According to him, this happened immediately after Stolbovy went to cooperate with the enemy.

The head of the OVA noted that there is a criminal case on the fact of Stolbov's treason. “

” Criminal proceedings are underway, a number of investigative actions are underway. These are procedural actions, which, I am convinced, will result in a declaration of suspicion, “Sinegubov stressed.

He also noted that he and his staff received text messages offering to cooperate with the occupiers. “We were sent text messages from unknown phones, it was at the very beginning. We have not received it. And I think this is the main indicator that this is a ridiculous idea on the part of the enemy – to offer us something, some cooperation. The only thing we can offer them is to get out of our land, “said the head of OVA. >

Read also: The occupiers hit the Balakliia district hospital

The Russian occupiers fired artillery at residential neighborhoods in Balaklia in the Kharkiv region, killing three people.

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