
The Netherlands has frozen up to 600 million euros in Russian assets

Dutch law enforcement is also investigating whether there are still companies and individuals from Russia whose property can be frozen.

The Netherlands froze Russian assets worth up to 600 million euros

The Netherlands froze up to 600 million euros assets of Russia . Law enforcement is currently investigating whether there are still companies and individuals whose property can be frozen, said Steph Block, the national coordinator for compliance and enforcement of sanctions at the Dutch Foreign Ministry.

“Like many citizens of the Netherlands, I also watch TV and see horrible footage from Ukraine. Many people in the Netherlands are loyal to Ukraine because, like me, they are shocked by the daily news. As a sanctions coordinator, I can help the Russians answer for what they have done, “the bloc said.

He said between 500 and 600 million Russian assets had been frozen in the Netherlands.”There were special circumstances for several countries that froze more. For example, the Central Bank of France had an account of 22 billion euros from the Central Bank of Russia. We didn't have that, “Blok said.

He also added that law enforcement agencies are checking whether there are still companies and individuals from the Russian Federation whose assets and property can still be frozen.

“We are very careful to check whether companies or individuals were missed in the first round of freezing. At the moment, we have no concrete signs that this is happening on a large scale. However, law enforcement agencies are checking whether there are still companies and individuals whose property we can freeze, “Blok said.

Read also: France freezes Russian assets by 23.7 billion euros

Earlier it was reported that the European Police Department has launched Operation Oscar to support financial investigations into assets belonging to physical and legal entities subject to sanctions in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The operation will last at least a year and will be aimed at supporting criminal investigations by EU member states to circumvent trade and economic restrictions. p> See the special topic: It is necessary to collect evidence of Putin's genocide against Ukrainians – jurists Evidence that Putin and his entourage deny the very existence of the Ukrainian people – enough 71% of buildings destroyed in Irpin Educational and medical institutions were affected. There are no calls to evacuate from two cities in the Izium direction in Kharkiv region There are no grounds to evacuate from Kharkiv today. Zelensky on the unblocking of Mariupol: “Either the partners will give Ukraine weapons or negotiations” The situation in the city remains as dire as possible, it must be resolved immediately. Russia's threats about the “consequences” of Finland's accession to NATO will not affect the decision – Finnish Foreign Minister According to him, signals from Russia should be heeded, but make independent decisions.

Source: ZN

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