
The New Zealand government announced new sanctions against the Russian Federation on the anniversary of the invasion

The new round of sanctions is directed against 87 people.

The New Zealand government announced new sanctions against the Russian Federation on the anniversary of the invasion

The government of New Zealand announced the introduction of a new package of sanctions against Russia aimed at individuals who are of strategic importance to the Russian Federation and close to the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. This is reported by the New Zealand Herald. The announcement of new sanctions coincides with the anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“Over the past year, this conflict has claimed thousands of innocent lives, separated families, turned once peaceful cities into battlefields and destroyed livelihoods,” said New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nanaia Mahuta.

The new round of sanctions is aimed at 87 people, including members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, who, according to Makhuta, “tried to legitimize the attack on Ukraine's sovereignty by holding fictitious referendums in illegally annexed regions of Ukraine.”

Sanctions are also aimed at military personnel who took an active part in the war.

Mahuta noted that this is the second largest round of restrictions and, as with other sanctions, they will automatically apply to relatives and loved ones of those subject to sanctions.


Since the adoption of the Russia Sanctions Act in March 2022, New Zealand has imposed restrictions against more than 1,000 individuals and 300 legal entities, as well as a number of trade measures.

According to Mahuta, a year after the start of the war, messages to Russia remained unchanged.

“We continue to call on Russia to act in accordance with its international obligations, stop military aggression, withdraw troops, and then return to meaningful diplomatic negotiations,” Makhuta said.

Read also: Western sanctions against the Russian Federation have a more significant impact than it seems – Atlantic Council

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Source: ZN

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