
The number of dead and wounded has increased: the OGP opened criminal proceedings over the tragedy in Zaporizhzhia

Five victims are now in serious condition. They will first be stabilized, and then they will be operated on.

=”The number of dead and wounded has increased: the OGP has opened criminal proceedings over the tragedy in Zaporizhzhia” />

The Prosecutor General's Office has opened criminal proceedings over the attack by the Russian military on a humanitarian convoy in Zaporizhzhia region, as a result of which 25 people died, and almost 50 others were injured. This was reported by the press service of the OGP.

“On September 30, 2022, at around 7:30 a.m., the armed forces of the aggressor country, disregarding the norms of international humanitarian law, launched a missile attack on Zaporizhzhia. A civilian humanitarian motorcade with civilians was fired upon on the way out of the city in the area of ​​the auto market. Currently, 25 dead and about 50 injured, among the victims are children,” the OGP said.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated based on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder – Part 2 of Art. 438 of the Civil Code.

Updated at 14:15

Later, it became known that the number of victims during the tragedy in Zaporizhzhia increased to 74 people, said Kateryna Tretynko, a senior inspector of the communication department of the National Police in the region. Of them, 31 people were hospitalized in the regional clinical hospital, “Suspilne” reports.

“Only 10 of the 31 will have so-called minor surgeries. These are primarily superficial soft tissue wounds, two of these patients will not require surgery at all. All other patients will need, may need, repeated serious surgical interventions”, – emphasized the chief doctor Ihor Shyshka.

Five victims are now in serious condition. They will first be stabilized, and then they will be operated on.

Read also: Experts explained what crimes fall under “violations of the laws and customs of war”

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Source: ZN

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