
The occupiers launched a rocket attack on Ochakov: an elevator with thousands of tons of grain was destroyed

Ten private houses were damaged.

“The occupiers launched a rocket attack on Ochakiv: an elevator with thousands of tons of grain was destroyed” />

On Sunday, September 4, Russian troops shelled Ochakiv, Mykolaiv region. The elevator was destroyed and several thousand tons of grain were destroyed, Ochakov deputy mayor Oleksiy Vaskov said on Facebook.

“In Ochakov, this morning was not good. several thousand tons of grain were destroyed. Now our communal services are dismantling the debris. Dozens of houses were also damaged,” Vaskov stressed.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

As a result of enemy shelling in the Mykolaiv region on September 3, a child died, and five people were injured. Russian troops also shelled Mykolaiv , damaged medical facilities and residential buildings in the city.

Read also: Air defense forces shot down two missiles of the Russian Federation in the Dnipropetrovsk and Mykolaiv regions

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The troops of the Russian Federation continue shelling populated areas of the Mykolaiv region. It was previously reported that the occupiers shelled the territory of the village of Novomykolaivka of the Pervomayskaya community.

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Source: ZN

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