
The occupiers shelled the Mykolaiv region: a child died

Four people were injured, including two children.


RF troops shelled Berezneguvate, Mykolaiv region. As a result of the shelling, an 8-year-old child was killed and four people were injured, the head of the regional council Hanna Zamazeyeva reported.

“Currently: Mykolaiv region, Bereznegovate – an 8-year-old child died, four received shrapnel wounds, two of them are children. Rescuers and medics are working at the places of arrival. Information about the victims is being clarified,” she stressed. Zamazeeva in Telegram.

In Mykolaiv, a rocket hit a garage in one of the city's districts. A fire broke out and houses were damaged. One woman was injured, the mayor of the city Oleksandr Sienkovych said.

Read also: The Armed Forces broke through the positions of the Russians in the Mykolaiv region – a journalist

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Source: ZN

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