
The occupiers shelled the Mykolaiv region six times during the day. The OVA reported whether there were any victims

One district was under fire.

, are there any casualties” alt=”The occupiers shelled the Mykolaiv region six times during the day. The OVA reported whether there were any casualties” />

During the past day, the Russians shelled the Mykolaiv region with mortars and barrel artillery. The head of the regional military administration, Vitaly Kim, reported which districts came under enemy fire.

For example, on March 18, the occupiers shelled the Mykolaiv district six times. In particular, at 1:12 p.m., 3:14 p.m., 5:22 p.m., 6:36 p.m., 8:31 p.m., the enemy fired mortars at the water area of ​​Ochakivsk community. There were no casualties or infrastructure damage.

In addition, at 8:33 p.m., the Russians opened fire from barrel artillery in the direction of the Kutsurub community. Fortunately, no one was hurt. The destruction is being clarified.

“In Mykolayiv, Pervomayskyi, Voznesenskyi and Bashtansky districts, the day and night passed relatively calmly,” Kim added.

Read also: Artillery shelling of Mykolayiv region: the number of victims has increased

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Source: ZN

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