
The Pentagon has created a unit to track UFOs

The department will study all mysterious objects.

Pentagon created unit to track UFOs < p>The US Department of Defense has created a unit that will track unknown objects in space, in the air and under water, as well as those that move between these environments, reports The department was named the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO (Office for the resolution of anomalies in all regions), it was created under the Office of the Deputy Minister of Defense for Intelligence and Security.

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The new department will be headed by Sean Kirkpatrick, who previously held the position of chief scientist at the Center for Missile and Space Intelligence of the US Department of Defense.

The statement establishing the department states that it “will coordinate the efforts of the US Department of Defense and the federal government to detect, identify, and attribute objects of interest on or near military installations, operational areas, training areas, designated airspace, and in other areas of interest and, if necessary, to mitigate any related threats to the security of operations and national security.”

Objects that the department will monitor include “”anomalous, unidentified , airborne, underwater and transmedial objects”. “Transmedial” objects are considered to be objects that can move between mediums, for example, transition from underwater movement to flight.

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In May, the US Congress held the first public hearings in 50 years regarding UFO sightings . During them, two high-ranking military officials stated that the majority of such objects could be identified, but some events, however, could not be explained.

Source: ZN

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