
The person responsible for Ukraine in Congress accuses Spartz of “reckless assistance to Putin”

The congresswoman emphasized the support of the United States of Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

The person responsible for Ukraine in Congress accuses Spartz of “reckless assistance to Putin” />

Co-chair of the support group for Ukraine in the US Congress Marci Kaptur published a statement in support of Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyi . She accused her colleague, congresswoman Victoria Spartz, of imprudence, playing into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The representative of the Democratic Party emphasized that the US Congress, led by the Ukrainian support group, with the overwhelming majority of members from both parties, initiated support for our country, which is forced to defend itself in a brutal war unleashed by Russia.

“Although some members may seek to sow discord and inflame tensions, in general, the United States Congress firmly supports President Zelenskyi and his leadership, while Ukraine is fighting for its survival,” the statement published by “European Truth” reads.

In the opinion Captur, the level and scope of the US cooperation with President Zelenskyi's office “give no reason to doubt the loyalty of any official”.

“Those who spread wild narratives aimed at undermining the positions of Ukrainian officials during the war are recklessly helping Putin and his propagandists,” the congresswoman scolded a colleague.

The United States is committed to the victory of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian people have no greater friend. , than the United States, Kaptur assures. Together with its allies, Washington will continue to work side by side with President Zelenskyi and his office to end the war.

Read also: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the statement of congresswoman Spartz regarding Yermak's possible ties with Russia

Recall that on July 8, Victoria Spartz addressed an official letter to US President Joe Biden, urging him < strong>check the possible connections of the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak with Russia. Among the key claims against Yermak:

  • Leak of information about Ukraine's operation to seize the Wagner Group, which led to its failure;
  • Failures peace negotiations with Russia before the war;
  • Assurance of the Ukrainian leadership that Russia would not invade the territory of Ukraine in February, which prevented proper preparation for war;
  • Surrender of Kherson and giving it to the Russians for organization of the tragedy of the “Azov” battalion;
  • Delaying the procurement of military equipment through the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • Purposeful delay through his deputy Oleg Tatarova appointment of an independent anti-corruption prosecutor.

Source: ZN

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