
The presentation of the book “Iryna Bekeshkina. While we are alive …” has started in Kyiv

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers, including sociologists, historians, journalists, members of the public sector, as well as young scholars and students.

 Book presentation started in Kyiv

Book presentation starts in Kyiv Iryna Bekeshkina . While we are alive … “. The event will last from 11:00 to 13:00 in the premises of” Ukrinform “- st. B. Khmelnytsky, 8/16, Kyiv, hall № 2 (floor 2). You can watch the online broadcast at the link.

< The unexpected and premature death of a famous sociologist in March 2020 shocked Ukrainian society. This was terrible news, because two weeks before her death she conducted sociology training for journalists in the regions of Ukraine, participated in public events and media appearances.

“Work was always and always in the first place. There was so much of it that Ira was always at the computer, constantly in the whirlpool of events … She had very little rest. Rare vacations, only for 8-10 days, and it is desirable to go to the sea to to swim (she loved to swim, it is useful for the back, which constantly hung over the computer). The concept of a day off did not exist for her. It's the same as a working day, only at home, “- wrote in his memoirs a close relative Valentina Ilchuk.

This and many other memories, words of gratitude and feedback, which recreate Bekeshkina's extraordinary personality, were included in the book-collection, which was published by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. The publication includes only a part of the great scientific work of sociology, its journalism and speeches in the media, which reproduces the main trends of public sentiment during the years of independence, as well as considerable bibliographic material.

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers, including sociologists, historians, journalists, members of the public sector, young scientists and students.

Democratic Initiatives

Read also: A scholarship named after Iryna Bekeshkina will appear in Ukraine

Interview with Irina Bekeshkina, a prominent sociologist and director of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation ” While we are alive, nothing has been finally decided “read the link.

Source: ZN

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