
The President of Kazakhstan has banned the erection of monuments to Soviet figures in the country

Tokayev said that groups of activists force citizens to believe in mythologized biographies of party figures of the Soviet past.

” alt=”Kazakhstan's President forbade erecting monuments to Soviet figures in the country” />

Kazakhstan President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, at a meeting with the heads of state bodies, called for an end to the opening of monuments to Soviet figures. This is reported on the official website of the President of Kazakhstan.

Tokayev reminded that Kazakhstan continues the practice of opening monuments and busts of figures from the times of the USSR, in particular those who were directly involved in mass repressions.

“Biographies filled with heroic deeds that did not exist in real life are invented. Archival documents on this topic either do not confirm or are absent,” he noted.

The Kazakh leader added that activist groups force citizens to believe into mythologized biographies of party figures of the Soviet past.

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Source: ZN

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