
The price of war: Russian manufacturer of Dichlorvos and Prelest varnish is forced to sell its plant for less than $ 500

The value of Russian business in the West has already fallen to the level of garbage.

Виробник “Дихлофосу” and Varnish Lace was forced to sell its plant in Scotland for around £ 358 ($ 470 as of April 5). This was reported by “Forbes Russia”. less than £ 500, “the statement said. -align: justify; “> The main company of the group – JSC” Arnest “(registered in the Stavropol Territory, Russia – ed.) – owned 49.95% of the factory. Another 45% was owned by Aerosol Novomoskovsk LLC. 5.05%, were issued to two foreign legal entities.

We will remind, shares of the Russian companies and banks turned to garbage actually a few days after the imposition of sanctions . The dizzying fall in the value of strategic Russian companies has resulted in the loss of more than 95 percent of their price.

Russia's sanctions and the shortage of a variety of goods and rising prices in this regard, the value of, in particular, one sheet of A4 paper in Russia already exceeds the value of one share of Sberbank .

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