
The Russian occupiers are creating artificial queues allegedly on Russian passports in Berdyansk

The invaders are also blocking Ukrainian websites and mobile operators in parts of southern Ukraine.

Russian occupiers create artificial queues allegedly on Russian passports in Berdyansk

The Russian occupation authorities are organizing artificial queues at the TsNAPs of the temporarily captured city of Berdyansk in the Zaporizhia region to show the alleged “desire” of the local population to obtain Russian passports. This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the Telegram. documents. Those who do not agree are sent to community service.

In addition, a Russian mobile group of electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare has been working in the temporarily occupied southern territories of Ukraine this week.

and blocked the ability to view Ukrainian sites on the Internet. After moving the group from the location, access to Ukrainian sites was restored, “the GUR said in a statement.

Intelligence suggests that the main task of such hostile groups is to find people with a pro-Ukrainian position and members of their families.

Read also: In Berdyansk, six law enforcement officers sided with the occupiers

At the same time, Russian troops suffered losses in the temporarily captured village of Kinsky Rozdory in the Zaporozhye region due to their own actions.

There are about 40 Russian servicemen stationed in a local hospital, setting up several “stretch marks” around the building as “circular guards.”

However, a goat came from the territory of the nearby farm, as a result of chaotic movements “neutralized” a number of enemy grenades. Due to the chain operation of explosive devices, several invaders received injuries of varying severity.

Earlier it was reported that representatives of the occupying authorities broke into the State Archives of Kherson region and stole election documents with voter lists for 2019.

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Source: ZN

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