
The Russian occupiers are engaged in racketeering in the Kherson region – audio interception of the SBU

Also, the invaders are drinking heavily and from this began the “self-liquidation” of their own army.

Russian occupiers are engaged in racketeering in the Kherson region - SBU audio interception

“Our checkpoint is fine, and the neighbors wondered… The Ukrainians began to” shake “the money. “A thousand rubles of travel,” the aggressor from the illegal armed group “DPR” tells his wife.

They ate each other… Everyone is already driving slowly “Roof”… At one checkpoint they shot each other, bl * d, at the other – cut each other… “, – says the occupier.

When asked about his return home, he answers which will be until May 9. But not in 2022, but in 2023…

“He probably forgot to clarify that he will most likely return in a plastic bag. Because if it is not destroyed by Ukrainian defenders, there is a high chance that one of the soldiers of the “strongest” army in the world will do it – after another bottle of vodka, “the SBU said.

Read also: A resident of the Kherson region, who held a position in the “People's Militia” reported on suspicion of collaboration

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Kherson Regional Council Yuri Sobolevsky said that in the Kherson region, Russian troops are intensifying filtering measures – “cleansing” the region of people who threaten the occupation regime. According to him, in the Kherson region searches and kidnappings do not stop .

In the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region the Russian military can keep in basements and torture about 500 Ukrainians. < This was announced by the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Tamila Tasheva.

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Source: ZN

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