
The Russians stormed Bakhmut and Popasna and destroyed the last bridge of Severodonetsk

The assault was unsuccessful, but the situation remains difficult. The last destroyed bridge provided an opportunity to cross to Lysychansk to reinforce the Armed Forces, which are threatened by the environment.

 Bakhmut and Popasna and destroyed the last bridge of Severodonetsk

Russian troops expelled Ukrainian defenders from the center of Severodonetsk and on June 13, as confirmed the day before by OVA Chairman Serhiy Haidai, destroyed the last cities from the city. He led to Lysychansk. Despite the fact that the situation remains very difficult, according to the Ukrainian side, Ukrainian forces in the city are not surrounded. This is stated in the ISW report on the results of the past day.

It is also known that over the past day, Russian troops have carried out an unsuccessful ground assault, trying to break the Ukrainian ground lines near Popasna and Bakhmut.

< The occupiers launched unsuccessful offensive operations southeast of Izyum and north of Slovyansk and probably created the conditions for the assault on Seversk and Lysychansk.

Read also: ISW: The occupiers will continue to storm the Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway to support the latter's entourage

Kremlin forces are likely to conduct a limited offensive northeast of Kharkiv, possibly trying to oust the Armed Forces from the artillery range of Russia's rear areas and have made some progress.

Ukrainian troops continue fighting for David Brid in the northwest of Kherson region.

It will be recalled that the Kremlin is spreading fakes about the abandoned burial of anthrax victims in the Kherson region.

Source: ZN

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