
The situation at the ZNPP is dangerous, but the probability of a major disaster is low — Times

British experts believe that both Ukrainians and Russians exaggerate the consequences of the probable disaster at the nuclear power plant in Energodar.

, but the probability of a major disaster is low — Times” />

Nuclear terrorism by Russia, which regularly fires at the Zaporizhia NPP< /strong>, is unacceptable and dangerous, but the probability of a global catastrophe due to the actions of the occupiers is quite low. This is the opinion of the journalists of the British newspaper Times.

According to Tom Whipple, the publication's scientific editor, the threat of a “big explosion” at the ZNPP is unlikely. The Times journalist notes that “nuclear power plants are built like fortresses.”

“It is precisely because the consequences of nuclear incidents are so serious that their reinforced concrete walls must withstand the impact of a plane or even something more serious. Therefore, nuclear experts did not panic after reports of shelling around the Zaporizhzhya NPP appeared,” the article says.

Read also: Occupiers threaten to stop Zaporizhia NPP

Nevertheless, the Times notes, that possible damage was caused to the emergency generators, which are intended for cooling, due to the attacks of the invaders. In addition, there are reports that Russia has placed trucks with ammunition and other equipment in one of the turbine halls.

“The situation is bad, but not as bad as they try to show. I think both the Russians and the Ukrainians are greatly exaggerating in pursuit of their own goals,” the Times quoted Mark Wenman, an expert at the Center for Nuclear Materials at London's Imperial College.

In his opinion, the greatest danger lies in the possibility of failure of the reactor's cooling and melting systems, as happened at the American Three Mile Island plant in 1979 and at Chernobyl in 1986. Wenman emphasizes that the concrete sarcophagus around the ZNPP reactor will not allow anything but radioactive gases to leak outside

“Ukrainian engineers are still working at ZNPP. After the invasion, some reactors were shut down. Others work at a lower power, that is, they will be easier and faster to take control in case something goes wrong. But even the best defense mechanisms may not be enough. There remains the possibility of incidents smaller in scale than Chernobyl, but they will still lead to a disaster at the local level,” the Times concluded. >

Earlier it was reported that the Russians were preparing a provocation at the ZANP.

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Source: ZN

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