
The song Stefania Kalush Orchestra set a Spotify record

The track became the most listened to in Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

Song of Stefania Kalush Orchestra set Spotify record

Stefaina's track by the Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra, with which he won Eurovision-2022, set a new record for Spotify. According to Public, the song has become the most listened to track in Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

“I just found out that we broke the CIS record in Spotify. We have the largest number of auditions. No one has had as much as we have. In second place – Eljay, he also had a lot of auditions, but here Kalush №1 “, – said the band's soloist Oleg Psyuk.

Read also: Kalush Orchestra sold the” Eurovision “award for $ 900 thousand for the Armed Forces <

The song continues to remain in the charts of the service, so as of June 1, it ranks 34th in Spotify Global Viral. On YouTube, the clip on Stefaina ranks first in the section “Popular. Music ».

It will be recalled that Kalush Orchesta at the end of its performance in the final of the competition called to help Ukraine and save Azovstal . As a result, there were fears that the band could be disqualified, as political slogans are banned at Eurovision. At the same time, the European Language Union has stated that it considers calls for peace and assistance to Ukraine to be humanitarian, not political.

Kalush Orchesta scored 631 points, with 439 points given by the audience. The victory of the representatives of our country means that Ukraine has the right to hold the contest next year.

See the special topic: Kalush Orchestra will receive a new crystal cup of Eurovision winners > The band sold its award to help the Armed Forces. The leader of the Kalush Orchestra has put up for auction a pink panama and a statuette of the winners of “Eurovision” All proceeds will be donated to the Ukrainian army. Kalush Orchestra will go on a tour of Europe to raise funds to help Ukraine The funds will be donated to the needs of the army and charitable foundations of our country. “Eurovision-2023” will be held in Ukraine – Tkachenko The issue of moving the competition to other countries is not discussed. Azerbaijan and Georgia have stated that their assessments of Ukraine at Eurovision have been distorted The countries have filed a complaint due to incorrect jury results.

Source: ZN

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