
The State Department appreciated Putin's decision to increase the size of the army

There they noted that the peace talks stopped not because Ukraine turned away from diplomacy, but because the Russian Federation continues the war.

Putin to increase the size of the army” />

First Deputy Speaker of the Bureau of the State Department for International Relations with the Public Vedant Patel commented on the decree of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to increase the size of the occupation army.During the last briefing, he stated his confidence that the Russian Federation will not succeed in conquering our country, since it has already failed.

Vedant also reminded that the States supported Ukraine and its people during the 31st year and will continue to do so, as we are the personification of freedom and independence. Therefore, US support will continue to be unwavering.

“Putin decided to conquer another country. And he failed in achieving this goal. Ukraine was not and will not be conquered. It will remain sovereign and independent,” said Patel.

Regarding the peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow, he explained that they stopped not because Ukraine turned away from diplomacy, but because the Russian Federation continues the war.

Read also: Why the Ukrainian army should not rush to retake the entire Kherson region – The Economist

Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to increase the size of the Russian army to 2.04 million people . The dictator signed the relevant decree on August 25, it will enter into force in 2023.

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The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has already reacted to such a decision. They noted that in order to implement the decree, the Russian Federation must now purchase 2 million body bags.

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Source: ZN

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