
The threat of Russian cyberattacks against the United States remains high – WSJ

US intelligence points to actively planned attacks, only the timing of their implementation.

The threat of Russian cyberattacks against the US remains high - WSJ

Cybersecurity officials US officials have urged companies to remain vigilant for Russian cyberattacks , according to The Wall Street Journal. p>

In particular, the head of the US Agency for Infrastructure and Cyber ​​Security (CISA) Jen Easterly said that the absence of large-scale hacking attacks on Western infrastructure since the Russian war against Ukraine should not reduce the vigilance of companies.

“I do not think we are now safe given the threats. We know that this is part of Russia's action plan – to use malicious cyber attacks, “Easterly said.

“In fact, we are absolutely convinced of the strategic threat,” said Chris Inglis, director of the White House Office of Cybersecurity.

A threat to public infrastructure.

According to Robert Joyce, head of the Office of Cyber ​​Security, the United States believes that the attacks were actively planned, only the timing of their implementation is questionable.

the threat was and remains real. The Russians have opportunities that we need to be careful about, and they are in the process of deciding whether and when to use them, “Joyce said.

Read also: The United States has recognized that it helps Ukraine hacker attacks

Earlier it was reported that Russia could prepare a series of cyber attacks against countries that support Ukraine.

Members of the intelligence network “Five Eyes” – Intelligence from the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand warned of possible mass cyberattacks .

Source: ZN

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