
The Ukrainian military in the south captured enemy armored personnel carriers, T-62 tanks and small arms

During the day, the defenders of the south destroyed more than 100 invaders and dozens of units of enemy equipment

The Ukrainian military in the south captured enemy armored personnel carriers, T-62 tanks and small arms

The defenders of the Ukrainian south had a productive day: they captured and destroyed tens of units of enemy equipment and inflicted casualties on the enemy, reports operational command “South”.

“Three representatives of the Russian occupation forces were captured, two T-62 tanks, an amphibious assault vehicle, an BTR-82, as well as many collective and small arms with ammunition were captured,” the military said.

Throughout the day our aviation carried out 22 strikes, and missile and artillery units performed more than 400 tasks. The result of the fire operation was the destruction of:

  • 2 “Uragan” MLRS;
  • “Msta-B” howitzers;
  • 14 T-72 tanks and T -62;
  • 106 Russian occupiers;
  • 2 drone scouts;
  • 120 mm mobile mortar;
  • 35 units of armored vehicles;
  • 3 howitzer guns of 152 caliber;
  • an airborne self-propelled artillery and mortar installation.

“Aimed fire the command and observation post of the 205th separate motorized rifle Cossack brigade in Snigurivka, a pontoon crossing near Kozatskyi, three ammunition depots in the Kherson and Beryslav districts, plus two combat supply points were hit,” the military added.

Read also: Activation in the south continues – more than 100 occupiers and 9 of their control points were destroyed in a day

On August 29, the Armed Forces announced that defenders had launched a counteroffensive in several directions in the Kherson region. In order to advance, the Ukrainian military destroys the enemy's logistics, destroys warehouses with weapons and ammunition, bridges and pontoon crossings.

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Military experts and Western media warned, that a premature counterattack is dangerous. Realizing the inadequacy of equipment and artillery for a lightning counterattack, The Armed Forces worked for months to create the conditions for the offensive.

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Source: ZN

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