
The United States will support Ukraine in its fight against Putin with a program “against” Hitler

Land Lease was a turning point in World War II – the program allows you to quickly convey what you need without bureaucratic red tape.

The US Senate unanimously supported a bill to return the land program -lize , according to Politico. The last time it was used was when the world was threatened by Adolf Hitler , now it has to help Ukraine in the fight against dictator Vladimir Putin .

“The program of the Second World War will allow President Joe Biden more efficiently to supply weapons and other necessities to Ukraine in the face of a bloody Russian invasion, “- said in a statement

The Law on Land Lease to Protect Ukraine's Democracy of 2022 will speed up the transfer of critical military equipment and facilitate other important supplies for our country, reducing the routine of bureaucratic procedures. The document allows the de facto donation of necessary equipment and goods to be reimbursed later.

The program is considered a turning point in World War II, as it allowed Washington to quickly replenish Allied supplies without undue red tape.

Prompt voting in the Senate for the return of the land lease program was made possible by the Ukrainian military, which has proven that it can oppose Russia.

“Lawmakers are resorting to extraordinary tactics last used during the largest global conflict of the twentieth century, and this is another sign that the United States and its allies in Europe believe that Russia's invasion is an existential threat to the liberal order,” the statement added. . It also shows that the West believes in Ukraine's victory over the Russian invaders.

It is unclear whether the House of Representatives will consider the Senate Lend-Lease Act before both houses of the U.S. Parliament go on a two-week vacation.

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