
The US and the EU have promised to help in the restoration of the energy system of Ukraine – the Ministry of Energy

Ukraine needs high-voltage equipment.

” alt=”The USA and the EU promised to help restore the energy system of Ukraine – Ministry of Energy” />

The Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko held telephone conversations with the European Commissioner for Energy Affairs Kadri Simson and the leadership of the US Ministry of Energy. This is stated in a message on the website of the Ministry of Energy.

It is noted that the conversation was about the consequences of missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy system, as a result of which the vast majority of consumers were temporarily cut off.

Galushchenko thanked international partners for the assistance that has already been provided, but stated that Ukraine currently has an urgent need for high-voltage equipment to restore and stabilize the operation of the energy system.

The partners assured the minister of their full support and readiness to implement appropriate measures to help the energy sector of Ukraine.

Read also: The situation with energy supply in the regions of Ukraine: what is known as of today

It was reported that SE “NAEK “Energoatom” is doing everything possible for the earliest resumption of nuclear power generation and promises to resume electricity supply by the end of the day.

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Source: ZN

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