
The US condemns pseudo-referendums and will never recognize Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories — Biden

Biden assured that the USA will continue to support Ukraine and provide assistance in the field of security.

“The USA condemns pseudo-referendums and will never recognize Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories – Biden” />

The USA will never accept the “results” of Russian pseudo-referendums and will not recognize Russia's annexation of Ukraine's territories. This is stated in the statement of US President Joe Biden regarding the fake referendums of the Russian Federation.

“The United States will never recognize Ukrainian territory as anything other than a part of Ukraine. The Russian “referendums” are a fiction – a false pretext for an attempt to annex parts of Ukraine by force, which is a gross violation of international law, including the UN Charter,” Biden said.

He also pledged that the US will work with allies and partners to inflict additional, swift and severe economic costs on Russia.

“The United States stands with our partners around the world – and with every country that respects the principles of the UN Charter, rejecting any fabricated results announced by Russia,” the statement reads.

Biden assured that the US will continue to support the Ukrainian people and provide security assistance to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion.

Also read: NATO to increase aid to Ukraine in response to bogus “referendums” – Stoltenberg< /p> Related video

Let us remind you that the Russian invaders announced the start of pseudo-referendums in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Statements of the Russian occupation administrations regarding fictitious referendums on the accession of Ukrainian territories to the Russian Federation, violate the legislation of Ukraine, a number of norms of international law and human rights.

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Source: ZN

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