
The US will review the use of aid to Ukraine: Who joined the working group

Serhiy Kozyakov reported that more than 40 million dollars were allocated to ensure supervision.

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The US will monitor the use of aid provided to Ukraine to fight against the Russian aggressor. Serhiy Kozyakov told who was part of the working group in an article for ZN.UA “Investigators and auditors of the “Powerful Three” against Ukrainian corruption”.

“For further actions, an Interdepartmental Working Group on Oversight in Ukraine has been created, which consists of the offices of three inspectors general (the Ministry of Defense, the State Department and USAID – the “powerful three”), as well as other inspectors general of oversight organizations throughout the US government,” Kozyakov writes.

At the same time, Koziakov drew attention to the fact that the supervisory staff of the offices of the “Powerful Three” began to hold monthly meetings to coordinate supervisory activities in Ukraine as early as last June.

In addition to the Ministry of Defense, the State Department and USAID as of December 31, 2022, the working group includes supervisory organizations (General Inspectorates):

  • Defense Contract Audit Agencies;
  • Departments of Agriculture;
  • Departments of Commerce;
  • Departments of Health and Human Services;
  • < li>Department of Homeland Security;

  • Department of Justice;
  • Department of the Treasury;
  • US Export-Import Bank;
  • International Development Finance Corporation ;
  • Government Accountability Office;
  • Auditing Agency;
  • Army Audit Agency;
  • Naval Audit Service.

“Critically, this list also includes 17 intelligence organizations, defined by the term “US Intelligence Community,'' whose mission is to gather information and conduct intelligence activities in the interest of the United States “, Kozyakov added.

He also noted that the Criminal Investigation Service of the “Powerful Three” cooperates with military criminal and investigative organizations, other federal law enforcement partners and the US Department of Justice, as well as international law enforcement partners on investigative actions related to Ukraine.

“The Power Three agencies and the Government Accountability Office received an additional $42 million for activities related to the oversight of general appropriations for the response in Ukraine by a decision of Congress,” Kozyakov concluded.

Read also : The US has created a plan for strategic surveillance with the help of Ukraine: What is it? US military aid to Ukraine is used as intended and is not diverted.

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Previously, the White House assured that the allegations of corruption, which led to a number of dismissals in the Ukrainian government, do not concern billions of dollars in military and humanitarian aid provided by the United States of America.

Source: ZN

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