
The USA responded to Putin's declaration of readiness for a new world order

They noted that the dictator is challenging the very system that allowed the Russian Federation to experience growth and enjoy the fruits of economic and political integration.

The United States responded to Putin's statement of readiness for a new world order ” />

Recently, the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin said that the world order has collapsed, but the world, as he is convinced, is ready to create a new one. The US State Department reacted to this, in particular, the spokesperson of the department, Ned Price, reminded during the last briefing that the Russian Federation has become an exile, although before that it itself benefited from the world order.

According to Price, the system ensured “unprecedented levels of stability, security, prosperity and the spread of democracy” during the 1980s after World War II. This has also benefited those states that now want to challenge it.

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It is because of this rules-based order that Russia, Price continued, has finally been able to experience growth, enter the international system and enjoy the fruits of economic and political integration, as have some other countries.

“All this was until Putin decided to put an end to it and cancel 30 years of economic integration, make Russia an exile in the world community of countries,” Price noted.

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Source: ZN

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