
The Vatican announced when Pope Francis will visit Ukraine

The visit may take place already in August.

The Vatican announced , when Pope Francis will visit Ukraine

Secretary for relations of the Holy See with states and international organizations, Paul Richard Gallagher, reported that the visit of the Pope to Ukraine may take place in August. And preparations will probably begin after his visit to Canada.

“Papa,” he said, “is very convinced that if he can make a visit, it may have positive results. He said he would go to of Ukraine and always showed readiness to visit Moscow and meet with the Russian authorities”.

Regarding contacts with Moscow, Archbishop Gallagher said: “Our contacts with the Russian Federation during this period are more of an institutional nature through the Apostolic Nuncio in Moscow and through the Russian ambassador here at the Holy See. Moreover, there are no large direct or personal contacts. He added: “While we are extremely concerned about the Ukrainian issues and the end of the war, we are also concerned about the future of the Western Balkans,” reports vaticannews.

The Secretary for Relations of the Holy See with States also answered the question about ecumenical challenges and the possibility of a meeting between the Pope and Patriarch Kirill: “I think that if the Patriarch and the Holy Father go to Kazakhstan for this big conference of world religions, then yes, the meeting will take place. It is necessary to try to overcome difficulties and misunderstandings regarding the unity of the Church”. Russian aggression in Ukraine, a number of his steps provoked a negative attitude towards the head of the Catholic Church among Ukrainians. In particular, in an interview with La Civiltà Cattolica, he stated that the head of the Kremlin in a certain way provoked the invasion of Ukraine.



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Source: ZN

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