
There are two options for evacuating civilians from “Nitrogen” – Gaidai

There are still people on the territory of the plant.

Yes two options for evacuating civilians from

There are two options for evacuating people, who still remain in the shelters of the chemical plant” Azot “in Severodonetsk . This was stated by the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai during the telethon.

And secondly, if people wanted to, it is hypothetically possible to try to evacuate them, but it is very dangerous, “he concluded.

Serhiy Haidai also admitted that it is safer for civilians to stay in hiding now, because there are active battles for Severodonetsk. The occupiers continue to collect reserves to capture the city, while weakening their forces in the territories captured after February 24.

“Now there is a new date by which they plan to capture Severodonetsk. This is June 26. And this date is unrealistic for them. Our small town has been defending for four months and will continue to do so. Our defenders stand by their positions, they have options for maneuver, and they know what dangers exist, “the head of the OVA summed up.

Read also: In Severodonetsk, the Armed Forces control only the territory of the Azot plant – Gaidai

Recall that on the territory of the chemical plant “Nitrogen”, according to the latest data, there are 568 people, 38 of whom are children. Earlier, they were repeatedly offered to evacuate, but people flatly refused.

Last night, the occupiers hit the chemical plant twice . This time the enemy troops damaged the territory of the treatment facilities and one of the passages of “Nitrogen”.

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Source: ZN

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