
There is no food, “caliber calibers” do not help, and the main “mess” is still ahead: the occupiers continue to complain to their wives about the decision of the command

At the same time, they still hope to “retire” in order to retire from the army.

 No food,

GUR MO publishes another interception of conversation Russian occupier with his wife. The Russian complains about the lack of proper nutrition, says that they are given not canned food, but canned food, which is impossible to eat.

“They gave us some canned food, which is impossible to eat. They opened a stew, and there are some chicken ass.

The occupiers are also dissatisfied with the actions of their command. “

” Listen more to our moron president … I have said from day one that it will not lead to good… Misivo is still in the lead. His wife has only just concluded that “the plan didn't work.”

The military, on the other hand, still hopes to “retire” and retire from the army.

The full recording of the conversation can be listened to at the link.

Read also: Intercepted conversation: The occupiers are destroying their own military equipment and pretending to be “beaten up Ukrainian”

It will be recalled that US intelligence informs that Vladimir Putin is misled about the effectiveness of the Russian army in Ukraine. This has caused tense relations between the Kremlin leader and the military leadership of the aggressor country.

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