
“There will be no dictated peace” – Scholz on the war in Ukraine

Now the chancellor assures that Germany will do everything possible to help Ukraine.

Putin still believes that can achieve the peace dictated on their own terms. But he will not dictate anything, because Ukrainians will not accept his terms, as we do, “Scholz said.

According to him, Putin will enter the talks only when he finally understands that he cannot defeat Ukraine. and its defenders.

“We all have one common goal: Russia must not win this war, Ukraine must survive,” Scholz said, adding that it is still important to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities.

< p>Scholz also promised Germany's support for further sanctions against Russia, assistance to Ukrainian refugees, “as well as the delivery of weapons, including heavy equipment. There is no escalation in helping the country that was brutally attacked. This is our contribution to repelling the attack and ending the violence as soon as possible, “said the SPD politician. At the same time, he specifically promised the countries of the Western Balkans membership in the European Union in the near future. arms.

Read about the prospects of Ukraine's membership in the EU in an interview with Volodymyr Kravchenko with Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishina on Ukraine's chances of gaining EU candidate status June and EU assistance in rebuilding the country “Decision to grant Ukraine candidate status is the EU's best investment in the region's stability” .

Source: ZN

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