
There will be no new world order “according to Putin” – the expert

Dictators need conflict to stay in power because they have nothing else to offer their population.

New World Order

Authoritarian rulers will not be able to break the existing world order because the free world is stronger. This is written by DW author Miodrag Šorić.

Authoritarian regimes test how far they can go

The columnist turns attention to a series of events taking place on a historical scale almost simultaneously: Russia attacks Ukraine, China revokes Hong Kong's autonomy and threatens Taiwan with maneuvers, pro-Iranian militants fight in Gaza, Serbian President Vucic threatens Kosovo.

Authoritarian regimes are testing how far they can go by inflaming the situation. Dictators need conflict to stay in power because they have nothing else to offer their people.

The creation of “external enemies” is designed to divert attention from the backwardness of the country, to idolize a “national leader” who treats his people with contempt. Don't be “enemies”, people's eyes will open and they will see the pitiful equipment of hospitals, schools, homes for the elderly. They will understand why their villages and towns do not have sewerage and access to guaranteed clean water. They realize how pathetic their salaries and pensions are.

If the country is capable of conflict, then all responsibility for this is transferred to the enemies. At the same time, criticism shamelessly enriches the ruling clique and is mercilessly oppressed. In the eyes of politicians, an individual person is of no value and can only serve as cannon fodder.

By attacking a neighboring country, Russia declared war not only on Ukraine, but also on the entire civilized world. How other authoritarian regimes will behave in the future depends on the outcome of this clash, Shorych writes. Either they will begin to respect international law at least a little and observe international treaties, or a new era of barbarism will begin, when only the law of the strong will prevail.

German politicians and captains of industry were let down by their greed. She overcame a sense of responsibility

Whoever wants to prevent the world from plunging into chaos must help stop Putin's war crimes, increase Taiwan's defense capabilities, eliminate pro-Iranian terrorist groups wherever they are – in the Gaza Strip, Iraq, Lebanon or Syria, the author believes.

The West has maintained commercial contacts with authoritarian regimes for many decades. Today, many European politicians wonder how Chancellor Angela Merkel could be so naive as to allow such high dependence on Russian gas and Putin personally. China has also become Germany's most important trading partner.

Also read: While the US talks about political polarization, China is thinking about 'global dominance' – FT

According to Shorich, German politicians and captains industry let their greed down. She defeated the sense of responsibility.

Putin is a player, but he miscalculated

Putin's attack on Ukraine demonstrated to the world the military incompetence of the authoritarian ruler. Putin dispelled the myth about the ability of dictators to think strategically in contrast to the short-sighted West. Quite the opposite. Putin made the decision to attack Ukraine suddenly and in complete ignorance of the hatred with which his soldiers would be met by Ukrainians. Putin is a gambler, but he miscalculated. But he cannot admit his mistake if he wants to survive politically and physically, writes the expert.

Stalin and Hitler also despised the Western world, especially when they were allies from 1939 to 1941. At that time, the USSR provided massive aid to Hitler with food and raw materials, thereby helping him to wage war against France and Great Britain. But in the end, the supposedly “degenerate” West won.

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It was the same in the Cold War. This will be the case even now, when the West is winning the hearts of many young and educated people who are forced to live in countries with authoritarian regimes, says Miodrag Shorych.

Source: ZN

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