
There will be no relations with Syria now – Zelensky

The President reacted to Syria's recognition of the “L/DNR”

There will be no relations with Syria now - Zelenskyi

The President of Ukraine reacted to Syria's recognition of the Russia-backed artificial entities “L/DPR” with a statement on the termination of relations with Syria. Zelenskyy stated this in his video message on the evening of June 29.

“Russia nevertheless squeezed out of Syria a message about the alleged recognition of the occupation structures in Donbas as alleged states. This is a worthless story. And in this case, there will be no more relations between Ukraine and Syria, and the sanctions pressure against Syria, on the contrary, will be even greater,” Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.

We remind you, June 29 The Syrian Arab Republic announced the decision to “recognize the independence” of the “Donetsk People's Republic” and “Luhansk People's Republic” created by Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

Read also: The President of Kazakhstan called the DPR and LPR quasi-states during the forum with Putin unite into one administrative unit and join them to the Russian Federation in the form of a new federal district.

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Source: ZN

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