
They decided to return the damaged Soyuz to Earth without a crew

The cosmonauts will return to the ship, the launch of which will take place a month earlier than planned.

The damaged Soyuz decided to return to Earth without a crew

“Roskomos” announced that the Soyuz MS-22 ship, on which a coolant leak was detected, will return to Earth without a crew. This was reported by the Russian space agency in Telegram.

Cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev, Dmitry Petelin and astronaut Francisco Rubio, who are currently on the ISS, were returned to the planet on the Soyuz MS-23 ship. It is planned to launch on February 20.

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Previously, it was planned that Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub and NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara would go to the station on it. The launch was supposed to take place on March 16, that is, it will take place a month earlier.

At the same time, Roskosmos noted that the expedition of Prokopyev, Petelin and Rubio is being extended.

In space The authorities of the aggressor country also explained the causes of the leak on the Soyuz. It was experimentally proven that damage to the radiator pipeline occurred as a result of a meteoroid impact. The diameter of the hole is less than 1 millimeter,” the message says.

Remember, the leak was registered on December 14, before the Russian cosmonauts were supposed to go into outer space. The “space walk” was supposed to last six hours and 40 minutes, but it was canceled when the cosmonauts had already put on their spacesuits and started the process of depressurizing the airlock. in Soyuz rose to 50 degrees Celsius. Roskomos denies this, estimating the temperature of the ship at 30 degrees Celsius.

Source: ZN

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