
Turkey advocated reform of the UN Security Council: what Ankara offers

Previously, the USA and France spoke in favor of changes within the organization.

for the reform of the UN Security Council: what Ankara offers” />

As a result of the global security crisis, which was caused, first of all, by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, several leaders of Western countries spoke for the reform of the UN Security Council. They were joined by Turkey, which proposed to cancel the veto right for the five permanent members of the organization and make decisions by majority vote. Anadolu writes about this, quoting the head of the Foreign Ministry of Turkey Mevlut Çavuşoğlu.

According to the diplomat, the call of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reform the Security Council is supported by more and more world leaders, including representatives of permanent members of the organization.

“More and more politicians are declaring that the world is not only five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Decision-making by majority vote can be substituted for the right of veto. The main thing in this matter is to ensure maximum coverage and justice,” explained the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

According to the publication, the idea expressed by Çavuşoğlu was supported by the President of the European Council Charles Michel. Before that, he called to deprive Russia of its right of veto in the Security Council. Currently, such countries as China, the United States, France, Great Britain and Russia can block decision-making in the organization.

Read also: Members of the Security Council must stand up to Putin, who threatens to destroy the existing world order – Blinken

Earlier it was reported that French President Emmanuel Macron spoke for changes in the structure of the UN Security Council.

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Source: ZN

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