
Two US citizens were killed in the war zone in Donbas – the State Dept

Two Britons and a Moroccan were sentenced to death in the “DPR”.

Two US citizens were killed in the war zone in Donbas – State Department” />

Two Americans were killed in eastern Ukraine in Donbas, the US State Department reported on Saturday.

Ukraine created an international legion

strong> for volunteers with varying degrees of previous military training, although the State Department did not confirm whether these citizens were in the country for combat purposes.

“We can confirm the recent death of two US citizens in Donetsk region of Ukraine. We are in contact with the families and are providing all possible consular assistance,” said a State Department representative, AFP reports.

The State Department said it had no additional information “out of respect for the families at this difficult time.” “.

US President Joe Biden and the State Department have warned US citizens against traveling to Ukraine to participate in military operations.

Since many foreign fighters have been sent to the front lines, there are constant reports of those killed, captured captured or missing.

At least two other Americans have been confirmed killed during the invasion, which began in February.

Moscow has said that two other American ex-servicemen captured in eastern Ukraine in June could face execution.

Two Britons and a Moroccan captured in battle were sentenced to death by the pro-Russian authorities in the DNR.

Earlier, the US Embassy called on citizens to leave Ukraine urgently .

See special topic: How to get help from the UN for war victims: instructions Payment can be received through a bank or the Nova Poshta service. Zelensky believes that Ukraine should return the territories captured by Russia within three to six weeks – Congressman Adam Smith According to the American official, the Ukrainian authorities believe that the fighting in the winter actions will slow down significantly, which will benefit Russia. Battles in Donbas: Occupiers achieved significant success near Bakhmut – ISW Invaders probably managed to take control of Berestov and Vugleghirska TPP Eleven tanks and two armored vehicles: the Poltava regional prosecutor's office told about weapons seized from local residents Due to the war in the region, the ratio of the number of different types of crimes has changed. The USA is trying to deliver weapons to Ukraine as soon as possible – the Pentagon Oleksiy Reznikov and Lloyd Austin had a telephone conversation

Source: ZN

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