
Ukraine appealed to the sponsors of the Olympic Committee regarding the participation of Russians in the competition

Ukraine asks the world to boycott the terrorist country's participation in international competitions.

Ukraine appealed to the sponsors of the Olympic Committee regarding the participation of Russians in the competitions

The authorities of Ukraine sent letters to the companies that support the International Olympic Committee the most, regarding the possible participation of Russian athletes in the Olympics. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi told about this in the evening address.

“We are also continuing the diplomatic marathon in order to prevent the Kremlin from using world sports and the Olympic movement for its propaganda. Representatives of the terrorist state have no place at the Olympics and international tournaments. Ukraine has sent corresponding letters to the companies that support the International Olympic Committee the most. These are large international companies that are definitely interested in ensuring that their reputation and support are not used for the sake of war propaganda,” the president emphasized.

Read also: In Estonia, a boycott of the 2024 Olympics was allowed if Russians and Belarusians were admitted

Zelensky also wrote a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the inadmissibility of admission of Russian and Belarusian athletes to the Summer Olympic Games to be held in 2024 in Paris.

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Earlier it was reported that Poland expects 40 countries to oppose the participation of athletes from Russia and Belarus in the Olympics.

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Source: ZN

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