
Ukraine is ready to help Moldova de-occupy Transnistria – Budanov

Moldova itself regularly demands from Russia to withdraw its troops from the unrecognized republic

Ukraine is ready to help Moldova de-occupy Transnistria - Budanov

Ukraine is ready to help Moldova liberate its territory from the so-called operational group of Russian troops (OGRV), stationed in Transnistria. Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, stated this on the air of the national telethon on July 22.

“I support Moldova's desire to get rid of the occupying forces on its territory. And we as a state and as a special service will do everything to help our brotherly state get rid of the occupiers on its land,” said Kyrylo Budanov.

Recall that a day earlier the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova confirmed the information that that didn't allow Russian military personnel from the so-called operational group of Russian troops (OGRV) stationed in Transnistria to enter the country.

Read also: In Transnistria men are campaigned to sign a contract with Russian troops – GUR

We should also add that the Moldovan government itself also constantly insists on the withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory. In particular, the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, voiced this demand during a speech in the European Parliament in May.

Source: ZN

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