
Ukraine needs anti-ship missiles, planes and heavy air defense systems – Ukrainian Foreign Minister

Kuleba said there should be no difference between defensive weapons and offensive weapons.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba stated that Ukraine needs planes , armored personnel carriers, anti-ship missiles, heavy air defense systems, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

that in recent weeks the Ukrainian army and the entire Ukrainian nation have demonstrated that they know how to fight and how to win.

“But without a stable and sufficient supply of all the weapons requested by Ukraine, this victory will be accompanied by enormous sacrifices. The more weapons we receive and the sooner it arrives in Ukraine, the more lives will be saved and the more cities and villages will not be destroyed.” “Butch will no longer exist. This is my message to the allies, it is very simple,” the minister said.

Kuleba also stressed: “My agenda is very simple, it has only three topics: weapons, weapons and weapons. We are convinced that the best way to help Ukraine now is to give it everything necessary to restrain Putin and defeat the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine, so that the war does not spread further. “

According to him, there should be no difference between defensive and offensive weapons, because any weapon used in Ukraine by the Ukrainian army against a foreign aggressor is defensive by definition.

“Therefore, this difference between defensive and offensive does not make sense about the situation in my country. And those countries that say they will provide Ukraine with defensive weapons, but can not provide offensive weapons, are hypocritical, it's just dishonest and unjustified approach,” he added. Foreign Ministry.

Read also: If there are no weapons and painful sanctions, Russia will move on – Zelensky

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